WARNING! This is what democracy looks like.

This blog is not officially part of Elizabeth Warren's US Senate Campaign. This is not sanctioned by the Democratic State, County of Town Committees. It's just a grassroots effort to help Elizabeth Warren to become our next US Senator in Massachusetts!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Two Senators One Idea - Working Families/ Occupy Orleans Farmers' Market 11/5/2011

Elizabeth Warren for the U.S. Senate

I’d like to share with you all a decision I’ve reached after many conversations, and much reflection:
Elizabeth Warren will get my vote, my endorsement, and my support in her bid to become the next United States Senator from Massachusetts.
This is an extraordinary woman, an accomplished, experienced advocate for working people.  As Elizabeth and I have talked through issues and priorities at both the state and national levels, it has become clear to me that this is a unique candidate who’s message about the struggle of working families, the need to focus on job creation and fundamental economic reform, clearly resonates with my thinking.
Elizabeth’s middle class roots in an America that created opportunity as well as prosperity taught her first-hand about the economic pressures facing many families. She is in many ways an American success story, but she never abandoned those roots; her life’s work has been all about fighting for economic equity, including taking on big banks and financial institutions to win historic new financial protections.
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Elizabeth served as Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Her independent and tireless efforts to hold Wall Street accountable, to ensure tough oversight of both the Bush and Obama Administrations, won praise from both sides of the aisle. The Boston Globe named Elizabeth Bostonian of the Year in 2009.
Even in the few short weeks since she announced her candidacy, Elizabeth’s voice has grown stronger and stronger. I am convinced not only that she is the best candidate, but also the one with the best chance of winning next November.
On Saturday, November 5th, I hope you will join me in welcoming Elizabeth to the Cape for an important day of organizing and campaigning:
11:45 AM                   Orleans Farmer’s Market
                                    21 Old Colony Way, Orleans, MA
12:45 to 3:00 PM      Volunteer Strategy Event – Yarmouth
Please sign-up to attend this event by clicking here.  The exact address will be provided by email prior to the event.

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